I'm attempting to set up my Android VPN to use OpenVPN Proton

I used the login, password, and address that I had copied to set up the VPN in the Android settings. My phone can’t connect to it, though. The VPN configuration is stalled at the connecting/disconnecting screen.


Have you included an OpenVPN Protonvpn profile? You must have either the Openvpn-connect or proton apps installed on your phone. I used Wireguard and removed all Proton/openvpn junk from my phone. It is considerably simpler to add the wireguard configuration you make on the Proton website after installing the official Wireguard program, opening it, and clicking Add Tunnel.


Yes, and that’s why I asked—I need to utilize the local VPN settings.


how about How to manually set up OpenVPN on Android | Proton ?


Yes, the post still relates to using the OpenVPN client.


Ayy, same thing happened to me! :upside_down_face: What fixed it for me was updating the app (if you’re using Proton’s app) or the VPN settings. Also, don’t forget to recheck if your credentials are typed exactly right, one wrong letter and Android just gives up.
Do you have any firewall apps running? Those could be blocking your VPN connection too. :closed_lock_with_key:

Also, what kind of network are you on? Some public WiFi or ISP routers block VPNs. Try switching to mobile data just to test if that’s the issue. :eyes:

You might wanna check if your router has VPN passthrough enabled. Some routers can block VPN traffic entirely if it’s not set up right.
Also, Proton has its own Android app that’s a lot easier than manually setting it up through OpenVPN settings, tbh. :man_shrugging:
Might save you a headache.