How can I tunnel on Windows using my own domain name and reverse proxy?

I own a domain name. I have ProtonVPN. I have a media server running Windows 10. I use Caddy to reverse proxy my subdomain name.

However, if someone merely looks up the domain name’s IP address, they will see my public IP address. This is where tunneling comes in, correct? So, should I connect to a ProtonVPN server, direct my domain A record to the VPN’s IP address rather than my current public IP address, and then enable Split Tunneling in the VPN app? Or, where should I go from here?

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Ugh, I feel your pain! :weary: Captchas are the absolute worst when you’re using a VPN. It’s like the internet is paranoid or something. It’s gotten so bad lately, especially with ProtonVPN. The captchas are relentless, and sometimes I’m convinced they’re just unsolvable on purpose.

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Yeah, for real! It’s happening more and more because websites think you’re some kind of bot when they detect VPN traffic. I had the same issue with ProtonVPN, and it was driving me mad. One thing that helped was switching servers—try connecting to less popular ones or those with lower traffic. Might reduce how often you get captchas. :globe_with_meridians:

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I swear, sometimes those captcha pictures feel like they’re trolling you. Like, “is this a bus or not?” :triumph: But yeah, switching to less-used servers can help. Another trick is using stealth mode or a feature called obfuscated servers—some VPNs have that to help bypass detection by websites. Unfortunately, Proton doesn’t have that yet. :confused:

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I totally get you! I was getting so many captchas with Proton that I almost switched VPNs. You might wanna clear your cookies and cache more frequently too. Sometimes, that helps websites stop treating you like a bot. :cookie:

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For sure, clearing cookies can help, but sometimes it’s just how ProtonVPN’s IP addresses are flagged. You can try using split tunneling if Proton supports it for your app. That way, you can have some websites bypass the VPN and connect directly, while others stay protected. It helps cut down on captchas a lot. :wrench:

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I’m using version 24.01.1 and set ProtonVPN to auto-launch at startup. It’s working smoothly. I followed the steps here (skipping the tray icon part): ProtonVPN Ubuntu Guide. Try connecting to a different server by default, that might help.