PIA GUI Position Problems After Update to 3.6.1

Hey everyone,

I’ve been a long-time user of Private Internet Access (PIA), and I always had the “attached to tray” option selected for the GUI position. Normally, when I open the GUI, it appears a little away from the right side of the screen, just before the taskbar icons like battery, volume, and internet.

But after updating from version 3.5.7 to 3.6.1, the GUI now pops up all the way at the right edge of the screen. It’s blocking all my taskbar icons, including the PIA logo itself! I can’t even click on it to close it without first clicking somewhere else on the screen to make it shrink down.

Is there any way to change this back to the previous position? And does anyone know why this changed in the latest version?


Ugh, that sounds annoying! It’s like the GUI decided it wanted to play hide-and-seek with your taskbar icons. Have you tried reinstalling the old version? Sometimes they just don’t get along!


Classic case of “update and break things!” Maybe PIA just wanted to stand out. Have you checked the settings again? Sometimes they change the defaults during updates.


I’d say try dragging it to the position you want, but it sounds like it’s stuck in the corner like a shy kid at a party! :joy: Maybe there’s a config file you can tweak?


It’s like that one friend who shows up uninvited and takes up all the space! You might want to check if there’s a “reset position” option in the settings. That might put it back in its place!


Or maybe it’s just having an identity crisis! :joy: Seriously, it could be a bug. Try reaching out to PIA support; they might not know it’s misbehaving.


I had a similar issue once. Try adjusting your screen resolution settings or scaling options. Sometimes that can mess with how things pop up!

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