Let’s Talk About This VPN Comparison Table

Best VPNs comparison table in Google Sheets

Many of us are excited to share how even small steps towards online privacy can really boost our security. Given the extensive tracking and targeting that happens with tools we use every day like ISPs, search engines, social media, and ads, we want to use this forum to help people find and start using the best VPNs that can improve their privacy.

Our aim is to help even those who may not be tech experts understand the risks we face regarding online privacy today. We know a VPN isn’t a total fix for privacy, but it can be a great first step.

If you’ve been following this topic for a while, you’ll see that this table is inspired by That One Privacy Guy. He did great work a while back, but unfortunately, the info hasn’t been updated in a long time, so it’s less reliable now. It was an important resource, so I thought it would be great if we could work together as a community to bring it back. Anyone who wants to collaborate on this can message me directly. Also, if you see any mistakes, please let me know.

You’ll find a table with scores, explanations for how each score was given, and detailed info about each provider for different criteria. If you spot any mistakes or outdated info, just message me with the source so we can fix it. Let’s keep it updated and as helpful as possible.

Table last updated: August 22, 2024 (some provider prices were updated).

To avoid confusion in the comments with people asking about providers that aren’t included yet, the automod will remove comments about specific ones in this thread. I’ve seen all your suggestions; thanks for sharing! I plan to check them out and see what I can add soon, along with which ones need more detailed research. Your contributions are appreciated!

Also, if you’re discussing a specific provider or criteria that should be included, please share any sources as this will simplify the process.

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I’d love to see you add something in the ‘Ethics’ section. It would be great to consider how many trackers and cookies are on the VPN’s website. Can you trust a VPN that tracks your visits?

Oli said:
I’d love to see you add something in the ‘Ethics’ section. It would be great to consider how many trackers and cookies are on the VPN’s website. Can you trust a VPN that tracks your visits?

I agree with that. It’s difficult to trust a VPN provider that uses something like Google Analytics on their website for tracking purposes.

Good point!!

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Oli said:
I’d love to see you add something in the ‘Ethics’ section. It would be great to consider how many trackers and cookies are on the VPN’s website. Can you trust a VPN that tracks your visits?

And if they’re using third-party analytics, which one? Probably Google, but they might have others too.

Paxton said:

The table you linked was once good and unbiased, but That One Privacy Site/Guy was bought by SafetyDetectives who own some of the VPNs mentioned, so I wouldn’t call it unbiased anymore. I’d recommend this one instead; it seems promising.

Paxton said:

I referenced that table in my post. That resource was made by thatoneprivacyguy and inspired this table which I’m developing with help from all of you. The original table hasn’t been updated since 2019, and in the VPN industry, things can change quickly, which is why we need an updated version. I know it’s not detailed yet, but I hope to keep adding more providers and criteria over time.

Paxton said:

Thanks for your feedback, and this helps us improve over time. There are just a few providers now, and collecting the latest info takes time, but I’ll do my best to add more soon.

Creating an ELI5 section is a good idea and I’m considering writing a guide on what a VPN is and how to choose one that fits different needs. In the meantime, I’ve covered some of that in the FAQ article found in the wiki of this forum.

Just for clarity, considering the work it took to arrange all those ‘exclusive deals,’ were you compensated for including any of them?

Alex said:
It’s been three years, why can’t we copy this?

Because he added his own referral link and wants to profit from this, and honestly, it’s not a great list, minimal effort behind it.

Paxton said:

Yeah, there’s way too much going on in that one. I prefer this one because it provides simple explanations for each category and a /5 rating at the end.

Can you freeze that first row so it’s easier to see the column titles while scrolling down?

West said:
Can you freeze that first row so it’s easier to see the column titles while scrolling down?

Done! Thanks for suggesting it!

This comparison table seems really biased to me.

River said:
This comparison table seems really biased to me.

Can I ask, as a beginner, why do you think it’s biased?

Laurel said:

River said:
This comparison table seems really biased to me.

Can I ask, as a beginner, why do you think it’s biased?

It’s because he has a tendency to think everything mainstream is biased and fake. There’s no other reason behind it, trust me.

Laurel said:

River said:
This comparison table seems really biased to me.

Can I ask, as a beginner, why do you think it’s biased?

The top two listed have referral links. The scoring includes weak metrics that favor these providers, allowing them to ‘score high’ and earn referral money.