Interstitial Ad on NordVPN iPad App

I get that saily is a Nord product (though my short Interstitial “pre-roll” ad didn’t mention this) but the idea that it’s targeting me with the ad before I even get into the app feels bad. If you want to have an in-app banner saying “hey we lunched a cool new product” I still don’t love it but I’ll accept the hustle. Giving me a non skippable ad to launch the app of the service I already pay for?

Has anyone else got this yet? I haven’t seen it on my android phone yet.


Bruh, I hate when companies pull this nonsense. :skull: Like, I’m already paying for the service—why am I seeing ads? If Nord wants to upsell, do it tastefully with an optional banner. Ads that block access to what you paid for feel like such a scam move.


Same thing happened to me on iOS, but nothing so far on Android. Maybe they’re testing it on Apple devices first? Either way, this is annoying AF. I already pay for premium, and now I have to deal with this too? Not cool, Nord. :unamused:


Yikes, pre-roll ads inside a VPN app? :triangular_flag_on_post: This feels like the kind of thing free apps do, not ones we pay a yearly subscription for. If they don’t chill with the ads, I might seriously start looking at Mullvad or ProtonVPN.


I swear NordVPN is turning into Spotify with all these ads even after paying for premium. :joy: I get they wanna promote their new products, but forcing an unskippable ad every time we open the app? Nah, that’s a no-go.

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I got the same ad today! It’s a Saily promo—Nord’s new encrypted storage, apparently. But yeah, having it block app access just feels off. If this becomes a thing, I’m gonna switch VPNs because this isn’t what I signed up for.

Exactly! They’re crossing a line by treating paying customers like this. They’re gonna end up alienating loyal users if they keep at it. I already feel tempted to cancel my subscription if this becomes permanent.

This is some dark pattern marketing. They know people don’t like switching apps, so they’re probably thinking most folks will tolerate the ad. But honestly, there are other good VPNs out there that don’t pull this BS. Nord needs to chill before they lose people.

Has anyone tried complaining directly to support? Curious what excuse they’d come up with for pushing ads in a paid app. :thinking: “Oh, it’s just for a limited time!”—bet that’s what they’d say. :roll_eyes: