The usefulness of a VPN for such situation is limited.
In theory everything you send across the internet can be seen by anyone who controls any of the systems along the way.
You ISP knows what websites you visit for example.
If your ISP is temporarily some free wifi in a cafe, they will know too.
Under some circumstances some else on the same network or pretending to be that network or just having taken control of it can get the same level of access to your communications.
Using encryption like https means that nobody along the way knows what exactly you send and receive. They know you googled something or visited reddit and Wikipedia, but now what you googled, which subreddit you looked at and which article on Wikipedia you read.
This level of security is usually enough.
There is some concern about man in the middle attacks, where somebody between you and the place on the internet you visit manages to intercept and edit the messages and messes with DNS to send your inquiries to the wrong place, but those mostly are mitigated with the sort of encryption tech that is already standard.
The danger is still there, but it is not nearly as bad as the people trying to sell you VPN services try to make you think it is.
All a VPN does is send all your traffic through the VPN. So your ISP or anyone controlling or listening in on the free wifi will only be able to see that you are using the VPN and nothing more.
This increases your security on that end. It also marks you as someone who has something to hide and it means that the company that runs the VPN now has the sort of data and opportunity to mess with you that your ISP had.
It also means that when law enforcement or similar wants to know which websites you visited they will have to subpoena or politely ask you VPN instead of your ISP.
At the end of the day the question is how much you trust the company or person that supplies your internet connection and how much more you trust the VPN provider and if the difference is worth it to you.
There are good reason to use a VPN for some people in some situations in some places. You have to decide for yourself if you are one of them.